Book series are amazing. You fall in love with a book, and bam, there’s a whole bunch more and you can immerse yourself in an amazing story world for ages before the story finally comes to an end. I absolutely love it when I get hooked by a book series and can binge my way through them in a matter of days. However, sometimes, for one reason or another, I’ve started reading a series and then never quite got around to finishing it for one reason or another. Today I though it’d be fun to share three series I’ve started reading, but didn’t finish.
The Raven Cycle | Maggie Stiefvater
I discovered this series back when it was just the first two books, The Raven Boys and The Dream Thieves and absolutely loved them. I bought Blue Lily, Lily Blue almost as soon as it came out and devoured it within days and then had nothing to do but try to fill in the time until the fourth and final book came out. It’s an amazing series, full of magic, dire prophecies, a motley bunch of friends, and a great sense of humour, and I’d highly recommend reading it. But, even though I have the The Raven King, I haven’t actually read it yet. I should probably make the effort to finish reading this excellent series sometime soon and find out how this epic story ends.
Divergent | Veronica Roth
I read Divergent way back before Allegiant was written, and before any of the movies had been made yet. I was on a big dystopia binge at that point, and I actually really enjoyed Divergent. It wasn’t an instant favourite the way The Raven Boys was, but I liked it enough that I fully intended to go and read the next book at the very least. And then one thing led to another and I never actually got around to borrowing the next two books from the library, Allegiant came out and I had the big ending twist ruined for me, and that was that. I still hold out hope for going back and finishing this series one day, but I doubt it will be any time soon.
The Books Of Bayern | Shannon Hale
I discovered Goose Girl one day at a friend’s house and loved it so much that I looked it up at my local library the moment I got home. Luckily for me, the library had the whole series. Unluckily, someone had borrowed the third book Enna Burning and lost it, and the library never replaced it, so while I’ve read the other three books many times, including the fourth one, Forest Born, I’ve never actually finished the whole series. I do own the entire thing in a beautiful paperback set at last, however, so I fully intend to finally finish reading it at last.
What is one series you haven’t yet finished reading but would like to go back to one day? What’s a series you stopped reading in the middle because you lost interest?