If there is one thing better than an amazing standalone book, is a whole series that captures your heart and imagination. I’ve been lucky enough to fall in love with quite a few absolutely amazing book series, which I have then collected every single book for. They bring back so many good memories when I look at them sitting proudly on my shelves. However, as I’ve read more and more new books, some of these old series have languished in need of a well deserved reread. This year, I’ve decided that enough is enough. I’m going to go back to a few of my all-time favourite book series and reacquaint myself with these old friends of mine. Today, I thought I’d share three series that I plan to revisit in 2020.
The Heroes Of Olympus
I remember when I first discovered the original Percy Jackson books in the library. I loved the sense of humour, the twists the books gave the Greek Gods, and even if they were somewhat formulaic, somehow that didn’t seem to matter. I devoured every single book as soon as the library got it in, borrowing the whole series over and over. When the second series, Heroes Of Olympus came out, I was a little sceptical that it could capture my hearts in quite the same way. Thankfully we were dead wrong, and the second series is just as good as the first, only now with the added bonus of Roman gods as well as Greek ones. I’ve always had a soft spot of mythology based books and these have quickly become some of my favourites. It’s been a few years since I read the whole series, and I’m eager to reread them and rediscover the magic of the gods.
The Lunar Chronicles
This was another library discovery for me. I actually read the third book, Cress first. Not the best way to start a new series I know, but the problem with reading almost exclusively library books, which I did when I was younger and even broke than I am now, is that sometimes they don’t have the first book, or someone else has borrowed it, or it’s in another library you can’t get to. I learned quickly to just borrow books, jump in as early in the series as I could and hope that I could catch up as I went along. We bought these ones pretty quickly as they proved to be very popular among my family members. It turns out that starting from the beginning is often a good idea. I haven’t read through the entire series in order since before the last book came out, so it feels like it’s probably high time for me to give it a straight read through.
The Illuminae Files
I bought the first book of this series for one of my sisters for Christmas a couple of years ago. I’d never heard of either of the authors before, and hadn’t seen the book recommended anywhere, but it sounded interesting when I read the back cover, so I took a gamble and gifted it to her. Turns out, that was an excellent idea, as the Illuminae Files are amazing books with a great sense of humour, relatable characters, a crazy AI, and the most unique form of storytelling I’ve ever seen, where the whole book is presented in text messages, security camera logs and the like. I fell in love with it from the first few pages and have since eaten up every Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman book I could get my hands on. I feel like all times are good times to reread this amazing series again.
So those are three series I’m planning on rereading this year. But I would love to hear from you. Are you planning on rereading any books this year? Do you reread favourite books as a rule? What’s on your TBR list at the moment?