5 Books I’m Eagerly Anticipating Reading This Year

January 20, 2020

I, like most bookworms I presume, have a TBR list that is longer than I am tall (although being a short girl, that is a slightly easier task than it could have been). Some books have been on there for way too long for no apparent reason. Some are brand new from my birthday and Christmas. I definitely intend on reading them all someday, but there are a few standout books that I’m anticipating reading more than any of the others. Today I thought I would share a list of the books I’m most looking forward to reading for the first time this year.

Aurora Rising | Jay Kristoff/Amie Kaufman

I was given this one as a gift for Christmas 2018. I remember seeing it announced on Instagram, and the immediately dropping many and varied unsubtle hints that I would like it for Christmas. The Illuminae Files, also by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman, is one of my all-time favourite series, so to have another book from these two amazing people was so exciting. It’s been sitting on my shelf waiting for me to get around to reading it for far too long, I’m sorry to say. It’s moved right to the top of my reading list though, especially now Aurora Burning, its sequel, is a thing. This is going to be the year I actually read this book and give it the love it fully deserves.

Dev1ate | Jay Kristoff

Another eagerly anticipated sequel. The first book, Lifel1k3 was an absolutely gripping dystopian read, with the same heart and humour as the Illuminae Files. So when I heard that the sequel was releasing towards the end of 2019, I I just knew I had to read that one as well. I came so close to buying it for myself on a visit to a bookstore, because I have very little self control when it comes to books, but thankfully I did not, as one of my sisters then gave it to me for Christmas instead. I’m eagerly anticipating diving into this one which is billed as “A crazed mash-up of Blade Runner, Paradise Lost, X-Men, Mad Max, and everything in between”. How can you go wrong with a mix like that?

The Boy Who Steals Houses | C. G. Drews

This was the first book I ever pre-ordered. C. G. Drew’s first book A Thousand Perfect Notes was absolutely amazing and heartbreaking and perfect. It’s the one book that I recommend to every person I know who reads even a little. I even gave it to one of my work friends for Christmas. Fingers crossed she loves it. I’ve been looking forward to reading The Boy Who Steals Houses for absolutely ages. It’s high up my TBR list, but so far I haven’t actually got around to it yet. Definitely planning on changing that sometime very soon because, by all reports (mostly my entire family, who read it before me) I am going to LOVE it.

The Way Of Kings | Brandon Sanderson

It took me a very long time to get around to reading any Brandon Sanderson, even though he’s one of the biggest names in fantasy. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed in myself, because when I finally got around to reading a couple of his books I fell in love immediately. One of my sisters gave me The Way Of Kings for my birthday. I’d been eyeing up the series at my local library, but hadn’t yet borrowed it, being a little too busy dealing with all the other books I’m supposed to be reading. I’m so looking forward to diving into a great fantasy book again. I feel like it’s not only going to be an amazing read, but it’s also going to refresh my own writing inspiration, which is always a bonus.

Akarnae | Lynette Noni

I’d never even heard of Lynette Noni before taking a trip to the bookstore with one of my wonderful friends, who pointed these books out to me. I can never pass up a good fantasy novel, and this one caught my eye and my imagination. So now there’s a lovely signed copy of it sitting on my shelf waiting for me to carve out the time to get around to it. Just as soon as I can wrestle it out of the hands of one of my sisters. Ah the problems of having siblings with similar reading tastes. Sometimes you end up a long way down the queue for a good book, haha.

So those are some of the books I’m eagerly anticipating reading. I love to have a good stock of books on hand to anticipate reading, and then fall deeply in love with. But I’d love to hear from you. Which books are you most anticipating reading? What books have been on your TBR list for far too long? Have you read any of these books?


  1. I loved The Way of Kings and The Boy Who Steals Houses! Their authors are definitely some of my go-to’s. This year, I’m particularly looking forward to reading Almost American Girl, The Notorious Virtues, and Words of Radiance.

    • I’ve definitely put off reading ‘The Boy Who Steals Houses’ for way too long. ‘A Thousand Perfect Notes’ was so good, I just know I’m going to love it. Also, I hadn’t realised that The Notorious Virtues was a thing, but having looked it up now, I absolutely love the sound of it. I read Rebel of the Sands and really enjoyed that. Looks like I have another book to add to my reading list!

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Hi, I’m Imogen Elvis.
Indie Author ✍️
Book Lover  
📚Reading and writing all things YA fantasy/sci-fi.  
My new book THE IRON WINTER (2023) is out now!

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