I am almost ashamed to admit to how long it took me to get around to reading All The Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater. I borrowed it from the library, all excited to read it. Then it got pushed to the bottom of the stack, I returned it, borrowed it again. Rise and repeat two or three times, until I actually got around to cracking open the cover and actually starting to read it and let me tell you, I am filled with so many regrets right now. This book is amazing. If I can give you one tip today it’s this: don’t take as long as I did to read All The Crooked Saints. It is pure gold.
For one thing, it has some of the most beautiful writing I have read in recent times, which is backed up by a really solid and satisfying story. It’s the perfect blend of sweet, poetic writing, and brilliant plot. Usually, when I see a book that has really airy, pretty writing, I expect that to be the focus of the book, and not the plot. Not so with All The Crooked Saints. It’s a refreshing read, not breakneck, but steady, and heartfelt. Interested yet? I hope so, because I expand on all these thoughts in my most recent review, below.
Have you read All The Crooked Saints yet? If not, are you planning on reading it in the future? Also, isn’t that cover beautiful? Have you read any of Maggie Stiefvater’s other books? If so, which ones have you read? Have you ever had to borrow a book multiple times because you keep running out of time in which to read it? What was the last book you took a long time reading, and regretted not getting around to sooner? Let’s chat in the comments below!
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