Five Books I Know I’m Going To Love, But Still Need To Read

October 7, 2019

Like every bookworm, I assume, I have a stack of books that have been sitting around waiting to be read far longer than I would like to admit. Many of them are books I know I am going to love to bits, some of them are books I’ve been anticipating for months, from authors I love, and yet, somehow, I’ve still not got around to reading them. I will get to them in the future, I swear, but in the meantime, here are five books I know I’m going to love, but still desperately need to read.

Sherwood | Meagan Spooner

I recently binge-read the Starbound trilogy by Meaghan Spooner and Amie Kaufman over the course of a weekend, and was blown away with how good it was. So you’d think that I would have rushed to read this book immediately afterwards. I mean, more of Meagan Spooner’s writing? Yes please! And yet this particular book has been sitting on my shelf for about four months in all its glorious silvery paperback goodness, and I haven’t opened it once. I’m sure it’s going to be amazing. I just need to start it.

Aurora Rising | Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

I have very little excuse for not starting this book immediately. Every book I’ve read involving Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman has been pure gold, and I anticipate this will be another awesome space adventure with a curious cast and a great sense of humour. It’ll be an instant favourite as soon as I read those opening pages. That’s usually how it goes with these authors for me. I bought Aurora Rising almost as soon as it came out, and now it’s sitting and waiting for me to clear my reading list enough to dive on into.

Artemis | Andy Weir

The Martian was an unexpectedly amazing read and became one of my all-time favourite books. It’s also a surprisingly awesome movie adaptation, which is a nice surprise. Loving it as much as I do, I’ve been looking anticipating reading Andy Weir’s other book Artemis for a while now. I’ve heard it’s a very different sort of book to The Martian, which is fine by me. It’ll be fun to see what else he can do. Artemis is sitting in my stack waiting for me, and has been for a while now. I think I need to clear a weekend and catch up on all the space adventures I have on my list.

The Boy Who Steals Houses | C. G. Drews

A Thousand Perfect Notes, C. G. Drews’ first novel was one of my favourite reads of 2018, and, strangely enough, also  took me a long time to get around to reading, a fact I may have regretted greatly by the time it left me almost in tears at the ending. I have no doubt that I’m going to have similar regrets about letting The Boy Who Steals Houses sit on my reading list for so long. It’s the only book I’ve ever pre-ordered, and I know I’m going to love it. Most of my family has read it and highly recommend it, So I can’t wait to sink my teeth into this one.

The Book Thief | Markus Zusak

I am unfailingly late to popular books, and The Book Thief is no exception. I’ve been meaning to read this book for the longest time, but haven’t quite got there yet. And I don’t really know why. It’s about books and it’s narrated at least partly by death itself. What’s not to like? I even started it at one point, before getting distracted, and so far, I haven’t come back to it yet, much as I want to. I have read a couple of his other books in the meantime and did enjoy them, so here’s hoping that when I get around to reading this book properly, I will enjoy it immensely.

So, those are five awesome books I’m pretty sure I’ll love, but which I haven’t quite got around to reading yet. One day soon, I hope! Have you read any of these books? Which books have been on your list for the longest time that you know you’ll love, but haven’t yet got around to reading, for whatever reason?

1 Comment

  1. I have read The Boy Who Steals Houses and The Book Thief. Both highly recommended! I’m currently looking forward to The Once and Future King by T. H. White, Scythe by Neal Shusterman, and Everless by Sarah Holland.

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Hi, I’m Imogen Elvis.
Indie Author ✍️
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📚Reading and writing all things YA fantasy/sci-fi.  
My new book THE IRON WINTER (2023) is out now!

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