We all have a dream. It’s bright and beautiful, fragile and precious. It calls us to go out there and do amazing things. It takes a lot of courage to share that dream with the world, to write that book, to make that music, draw that picture, create that thing that you dream about. Our dreams are magic, shining with hope, precious.
And then someone treads on them.
Usually, it’s not even intentional. It’s in a careless word, a throwaway phrase. ‘There’s no money in that’. ‘No one reads any more’. ‘How are you going to make a career out of that?’ Words that slip easily off the tongue, crushing our dreams. Doubts creep in around the edges. Maybe they’re right. Why are we bothering with this anyway? What if it doesn’t work, what if people don’t like it, what if we’re wasting all our time on something that will never see fruition? What if we will never succeed?
We withdraw, hiding our dreams so no one can judge them. Why should we share them and risk the slings and arrows of people who don’t believe in what we’re doing, what we’re creating? Why risk that dream being tarnished, risk being disillusioned, when you can keep it to yourself, perfect and whole in your imagination? Dreams are such fragile things.
But that’s not what dreams are for.
Yes, dreams are fragile. But they are also restless creatures. They drive us with a burning passion. If they didn’t, they would had faded a long time ago. Dreams are made to be followed. They urge us to take risks. We might fail. The naysayers might be right. But, then again, we might succeed. Success is always an option too. And oh, what beautiful things might come if we dared to follow our dream.
Everyone has something to share with the world. Everyone has a dream to follow. Judgement hurts. Words have a power people don’t realise. How many dreams have been crushed because of harsh words and cold judgement? Too many. But we can’t let that stop us. Words do hurt. But the judgement of others isn’t what decides whether we succeed or not. The only person who can decide that is ourselves. If you try, you may fail, but if you never try then you’ll never give yourself the chance to succeed.
Every harsh word, every judgement dims the dream a little more each time, tarnishing the shine. But if no one dreams, if no one dares to put themselves out there, to take a risk, to open their hearts to the world and create, to follow their dreams, no matter how impractical, where will beauty, magic, unique ideas and light come from? Dreams are impractical, but they have power. Follow your dreams. And tread softly. Because each of us treads on the dreams of other. And dreams are magic.
The title of this blog post comes from a beautiful short poem by W.B. Yeats called ‘The Clothes of Heaven’ which I highly recommend you check out. You can find the poem HERE.
Beautifuuuuuuul I love this post <3 . Also I don't think I've ever found your blog before????
My first visit to your blog too! What a nice post and a beautiful poem which I had not read before. I admire the way you pursue your dreams and your talents. Just today I was talking to my sister-in-law and she told me about some new furniture she is getting. She also explained why she was getting new furniture and how she could afford to buy it. I reassured her that I was happy she was getting the furniture. People will say things in a moment that can crush your dreams and then forget all about you. Don’t let them bother you.