What Is Your Favourite Part Of The Writing Process?

April 10, 2019

There are few things I love more than writing. Which is probably why I am a writer, to be honest. After all, who would put themselves through the pain of months to years spent writing a single book, and probably tearing your hair out over cavernous plot holes if they weren’t passionate about writing? I love pretty much everything about the writing process, though I will admit that it took me far longer than it should have for me to appreciate the wonder that is editing. It may have been more of a…necessary evil. However, I, like most writers, I would assume, do have my favourite part of the writing process, and it makes me curious as to what part of the process everyone else loves the best?

Brainstorming is such a wildly creative stage. The idea is new and shiny. The possibilities are endless. The book is pure and perfect in your head. You’re in love with the concept and all you want to do is think about this book and write this book. It’s just such an exciting time. 

Writing the first draft is a rush. The words pour out onto the paper (at least for the first part). It probably has rough edges and crumbly corners. But you can forgive that because it’s a soft little baby and it’s adorable. You’re typing and typing, exploring this new story that you’ve been longing to experience.

Editing is like putting together an intricate puzzle. You’re figuring out how each piece fits together. All the threads start coming together to reveal the overall image and perfection that you’ve been longing to see. Maybe the book has changed a bit from the first idea, but it looks oh so much better now. It’s becoming a real book.

Polishing is magic, pure and simple. The book might be solid after all the structural edits, but now the lines are beginning to sing. You’re picking the individual words to convey just the right meaning and feeling in every scene. It looks like a book, it reads like a book, and it’s clean and perfect, and ready to share with the world.

Sharing the book is a nerve wracking pleasure. You’ve spent so long writing the book, and now you’re about to hand it to people to read. You want them to love it as much as you do. And when you hear that they adored the story and the characters that you’ve spent so much time with, it’s the best reward.

Every part of the writing process has its definite pros, and I love working through each stage, no matter how long it takes me. But of course, I do have my favourite part of the process too. For me, it’s all about the first drafts. I love seeing my story taking shape on the page for the first time, experiencing this amazing adventure that, until this moment has only lived inside my head in a vague, hazy sort of idea. I love the rush of the words as the pour out, and being able to proudly write ‘the end’ for the first time. It’s always bad, filled with holes, and logical leaps. But it’s mine and it exists and it’s the story that I wanted to tell.

But that’s my favourite part of the process, (as well as a few of the things I love about all the other parts of writing as well, because why not?) I’d love to hear what your favourite part of writing is? Is it coming up with new ideas? Sharing what you’ve written? Editing and perfecting your book? I’d love to hear from you!

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Hi, I’m Imogen Elvis.
Indie Author ✍️
Book Lover  
📚Reading and writing all things YA fantasy/sci-fi.  
My new book THE IRON WINTER (2023) is out now!

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