I love a good pop song, both for bopping along to, and for the occasional spark of inspiration. But as writing music, they’re not really great for playing in the background while I’m trying to hammer out some words. However, the music is always pretty amazing. So I’m always grateful when I discover a great instrumental version of a song. Spotify has whole lists of instrumental pop songs for anyone who enjoys listening to pop songs, but finds the lyrics too distracting while they’re trying to write.
One of my recent favourite instrumental covers is Andy Tallent’s piano cover of Cyndi Lauper’s ‘Time After Time’. It’s very low key, simple, sweet and full of emotion. It’s perfect for playing in the background when you want to soundtrack your writing session with something that’s evocative, but not super intense. This piece is slightly melancholy and very beautiful, and makes a great loop in the background. Plus Andy Tallent has plenty of other instrumental covers as well if you’re interested in checking those out.
Do you listen to songs with lyrics while writing? What is your favourite instrumental pop track? Do you prefer driving music with a beat, or more laid back pieces while you’re writing?